Plastic bags and polystyrene foam are notoriously difficult to recycle and should NOT be placed in Chamblee’s curbside recycling bins. Plastic bags can jam recycling machinery making their removal hazardous to the facility’s employees.

The best way of keeping them out of our landfills is to REFUSE using them.

Plastic grocery bags are still commonly used in Chamblee stores, particularly in grocery stores. With a little bit of foresight, bringing a reusable bag should eliminate the need for a plastic one. However, there are times when you can’t avoid using them, and that’s okay! If you’ve collected a mass of plastic bags or films (you can recognize this type of plastic by the ability to ‘stretch’ it), know that most grocery and some home improvement stores have recycling containers dedicated for them.

Polystyrene, or plastic 6, generically known as Styrofoam are completely non-biodegradable plastics. Most people are familiar with expanded polystyrene foam used as single-serve items (coffee cup) or packaging material (peanuts). There are some polystyrene foam packaging that is recyclable.

Be on the lookout for these grocery and store recycling stations: 

Publix and Kroger Recycling Stations

Outside the entrance, Publix has recycling containers for plastic bags and for foam trays and foam egg cartons (above). Kroger has a plastic bag recycling container inside near the exit (not pictured).

Lowes Recycling Stations

Outside the entrance, Lowes has a recycling station for fluorescent bulbs, rechargeable batteries and plastic bags.

Target Recycling Stations

Inside the store (on the right at the entrance), Target has the most comprehensive recycling station with the ability to recycle plastic bags, glass, plastic, aluminum, ink cartridges etc.

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Clean, dry, and empty styrofoam packaging and plastic bags/film is also accepted at no charge at CHaRM – 1110 Hill Street SE, Atlanta, GA 30315. Click here to find what other items are accepted.